Альпака парк

Contract offer for the provision of services

This offer (hereinafter referred to as the offer) is addressed to an unlimited number of legal entities and individuals and is an official offer from Alpaca Park, represented by Individual Entrepreneur Natalya Olegovna Gorelova (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”), to conclude an agreement (offer) for the provision of video editing services in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 437 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. An agreement (offer) for the provision of video editing services is considered concluded and comes into force from the moment the person (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”) performs the actions provided for in this offer (acceptance) and means the unconditional acceptance by the person of all the conditions of this offer without any exceptions or restrictions as set out below conditions:


1.1. “Offer” is this proposal containing all the essential terms of the contract, from which the will of the Contractor is discerned to conclude an agreement on the conditions specified in this proposal with any person who responds.

1.2. “Contractor’s website” – the current website alpaca-park.com, on which the Customer is located and on which this contract offer for the provision of services is posted.

1.3. “Acceptance of the Offer” is the performance by the Customer of the actions specified in this Offer, indicating that this person accepts the terms of the Offer in full, including taking actions to fulfill the conditions specified in this Offer.

1.4. “Customer” is an adult capable individual, individual entrepreneur or representative of a legal entity who entered into an Agreement with the Contractor as a result of Acceptance of the Offer and, thereby, received the right to receive the Contractor’s Services and fully fulfill its obligations under the Agreement.

1.5. “Agreement” - means this Agreement-offer for the provision of Services (selected by the Customer on the Contractor’s Website alpaca-park.com, or agreed between the Customer and the Contractor through any of the methods specified in clause 14 of this Offer), concluded between the Contractor and the Customer in as a result of the Customer’s acceptance of the Offer, which vests the Contractor and the Customer with the rights and obligations specified in this Offer. Any reference in this Offer to the Agreement (article of the Agreement) and/or its terms means a corresponding reference to this Offer and/or its terms. The Agreement does not require sealing and/or signing by the Customer and the Contractor (hereinafter referred to as the Parties), while maintaining legal force.

1.6. “Parties” – collectively referred to as the parties to the Agreement – ​​the Contractor and the Customer.

1.7. “Service” / “Services” – the activity of the Contractor related to the provision of services to the Customer (Customers). The description of the Services, their terms and costs are available on the Contractor's Website at alpaca-park.com, and can also be agreed upon between the Customer and the Contractor by using the Customer and Contractor's emails, which are specified in clause 14 of this Offer. The terms and conditions of the Services chosen by the Customer become an integral part of the Agreement.

1.8. “Product” is the result of the Customer providing Services to the Contractor (videos, video greetings, etc.).

1.9. Technical specification – name, description and main characteristics of the product, detailed, including the Customer’s technical requirements for the Services provided by the Contractor.


2.1. This Offer defines all the essential terms of the agreement between the Contractor and the Customer, including the procedure for the provision of the Contractor’s Services.

2.2. The Offer, as well as all information about the Contractor's Services: the cost, types and terms of provision of the Services are published on the Contractor's website at alpaca-park.com, and can also be agreed upon between the Customer and the Contractor by using the Customer's and Contractor's e-mails, which are specified in paragraph 14 of this Offer.


3.1. This Offer defines all the essential terms of the agreement between the Contractor and the Customer, including the procedure for the provision of the Contractor’s Services.

3.2. The Contractor performs services in accordance with the order placed by the Customer on the website alpaca-park.com, through the use of email, instant messengers, social networks, and other means of communication.

3.3. The types, volume, cost and timing of the provision of services are agreed upon by the Parties in accordance with this offer, and are also published on the Contractor’s website at alpaca-park.com. In this case, the Contractor undertakes to provide services within a period not exceeding 30 calendar days. The minimum period for providing services is 1 business day.

3.4. The Customer accepts and pays for the services provided in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.


4.1. The Contractor is obliged to begin providing services no later than 12 hours from the moment payment is received into his account. The amount and payment procedure are provided in clauses. 7.1 – 7.4. actual agreement.

4.2. The Contractor undertakes to provide services in the volume and time frame in accordance with the selected list of services reflected on the Contractor's website at alpaca-park.com to this Agreement.

4.3. Services are provided on the territory and using the technical means of the Contractor.

4.4. The Contractor reserves the right to refuse to provide services to the Customer before he makes Acceptance without giving reasons.

4.5. The Contractor is not responsible for the Customer’s incorrect completion of the Brief and its annexes, errors and inaccuracies contained therein.

4.6. The Customer is notified and agrees that when providing services according to the Customer’s script, the Contractor reserves the right to make professional amendments to improve the quality of services provided in accordance with the rules of video editing.

4.7. The Customer is notified and agrees that the Contractor has the right to place his logo at the end of the video.

4.8. The Contractor undertakes not to publish the results of the services provided in any publicly available sources of information, social networks and other sources without the consent of the Customer (reflected by the latter in the Brief). Otherwise, the Contractor guarantees the Customer complete confidentiality of both the source material received from him and the result of the services provided.


5.1. The Customer provides the Contractor with the necessary materials and information (hereinafter referred to as the Brief and its appendices) that do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In the Brief, the Customer is obliged to indicate the correct emphasis in the names of settlements, organizations, names and surnames (by highlighting the vowel with a “Capital” letter), decoding of abbreviations, nuances of the Order with specific wishes for installation:

  • text,
  • musical preferences,
  • additional options,
  • deadline for delivery of services rendered,
  • script (if available), and also agree to publish the results of the services provided on the Contractor’s website, social networks and other publicly available sources of information.

5.2. The parties agreed that the only correct channel for transmitting the Brief from the Contractor in electronic form is the “Order Form”. If the Customer transfers information to the Contractor through another channel not specified in the Online Order, such information will not be taken into account by both Parties, and the Contractor will not be responsible for the delay in the provision of services due to rescheduling due to non-receipt of this or that information.

5.3. The Customer is notified and agrees that if he violates the conditions for preparing the source material in accordance with the requirements reflected on the Contractor’s website at alpaca-park.com, the cost of providing services may be increased due to an increase in the volume of services provided by the Contractor.

5.4. The Customer undertakes to pay the Contractor the cost of services in accordance with the terms of this agreement, in accordance with Section 7 of this offer.

5.5. The Customer does not have the right to demand from the Contractor the provision of services not included in those posted on the website alpaca-park.com, through the use of email, instant messengers, social networks, other means of communication with an order or services not paid for by the Customer. If it is necessary to provide additional services, the latter are agreed upon and documented in writing in a separate Additional Agreement, which must be signed by the Parties, using e-mail (clause 14 of the Offer).

5.6. The Customer is obliged to confirm the download of the final (approved by the parties) video within 24 hours after receiving the link (this action is equivalent to the signing by the Parties of the acceptance certificate for the services provided); in case of violation of the specified deadlines, the services are considered completed and accepted by the Customer without disagreement.

5.7. The Customer has the right to contact the Contractor for a duplicate of the original result of the services provided, in the event of their loss or damage within three current months from the date of provision of services. The Customer's source material and the order draft are stored in the Contractor's archive for one current month from the date the Contractor provides services. The Customer has the right to contact the Contractor for an additional fee to supplement the completed order. After one calendar month has passed from the date of delivery to the Customer of the result of the services provided, the source material and the draft Order are deleted from the Contractor’s archive.

5.8. The Customer has the right to download the original result of the services provided by the Contractor via a link to a file hosting service an unlimited number of times, from any device. The link is active for one month from the moment the Contractor provides services.


6.1. The video is supplemented with musical compositions only from the proposed list on the Performer’s website alpaca-park.com.


7.1. Proper unconditional Acceptance of this Offer in accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is payment by the Customer for the Contractor’s Services, incl. and on the terms of 100% prepayment.

7.2. The cost of services is determined in accordance with the price list posted on the website alpaca-park.com, through the use of email, instant messengers, social networks, and other means of communication with the order. Detailed information about the Cost of the Services, a description of the additional options provided by the Contractor for payment and receipt of Services are published on the Contractor's website at alpaca-park.com.

7.3. Payment for the cost of services is made by the Customer by bank transfer by payment by credit card through the official website with 100% prepayment.

7.4. The Customer's obligation to pay for the Contractor's work is considered fulfilled at the moment the funds are received into the Contractor's bank account. By paying and/or ordering Services, the Customer expresses full and unconditional agreement with the terms of the Offer in force at the time of payment, part of which are the conditions for the provision of Services.


8.1. The Customer is obliged to fully compensate the Contractor for all losses caused to him due to violations of the terms of the Agreement by the Customer himself or a third party in whose interests the Customer concluded the Agreement.

8.2. The Customer is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information (including personal data) provided to the Contractor when ordering Services. In the event of a change in the information (including personal data) provided to the Contractor, the Customer is obliged to notify the Contractor of the changes made within 1 (one) calendar day from the date of entry into force of the relevant changes.

8.3. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement if they prove that proper fulfillment was impossible due to force majeure circumstances that the parties could not foresee and avoid - force majeure circumstances. At the same time, the presence of force majeure circumstances extends the period for the Parties to fulfill their obligations under the Agreement until the termination of the corresponding force majeure circumstances. If these circumstances persist for more than 30 (thirty) days, the Parties have the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement.

8.4. The Customer is notified and agrees that in the event of the Customer’s refusal to provide services after accepting this Agreement (that is, after payment) and the funds are received in the Contractor’s bank account, the funds are not refundable.


9.1. The Customer's claims for non-fulfillment and/or improper fulfillment by the Contractor of its obligations under the Agreement are presented in paper written form and must be registered on the day they are received by the Contractor. The claim is accompanied by documents necessary for consideration of the claim, proving the arguments set out therein, as well as containing information about the non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by the Contractor of its obligations under the Agreement.

9.2. Refusal to satisfy a claim must be justified. If the claim was recognized by the Contractor as justified, the identified deficiencies must be eliminated. The customer may be offered the following options:

9.2.1. receive a discount on Services;

9.2.2. refund is made minus expenses incurred to provide the Services.

9.3. All disputes directly or indirectly related to this Agreement concluded as a result of its Acceptance are resolved by the parties through negotiations. If a resolution of the dispute through negotiations cannot be achieved, all disputes are subject to consideration in court at the location of the Contractor. Compliance with the pre-trial procedure for resolving a dispute before going to court is mandatory.


10.1. The Customer, in accordance with Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, as a result of Acceptance of the Offer, gives the Contractor consent to the collection, storage and processing, including automated, of information related to personal data (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”) the Customer or a third party in whose interests the Customer enters into an agreement (last name, first name, patronymic, registration address, place of residence, contact numbers, email addresses, payment amounts) including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing ), use, distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data. The processing of Personal Data is carried out for the purpose of concluding an Agreement with the Contractor on the basis of this Offer, any other agreements and their further execution, making settlements with the Customer, making decisions or taking other actions that give rise to legal consequences in relation to the Customer or third parties, providing the Customer with information about the services provided by the Contractor, the fulfillment of contractual obligations to third parties, as well as for the purpose of informing the Customer about changes in the conditions for the provision of Services, the terms of the Offer, about new products and services developed and/or offered by the Contractor and/or its contractors and partners. Upon Acceptance of the Offer, the Customer agrees to receive advertising information.


11.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of acceptance of this Offer Agreement in the manner specified in clause 7.1 of the Agreement and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations or until it is terminated on the grounds provided for in this Agreement, including in the absence of technical feasibility provision of Services.

11.2. The Customer has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally by sending the Contractor a written application for termination in the event of incorrect provision of services by the Contractor, as well as non-compliance with the terms of the Contract.


12.1. The parties recognize the legal force of documents sent via e-mail of the Customer and the Contractor, which are specified in clause 14 of this Offer, on an equal basis with documents executed in simple written form.


Individual Entrepreneur Natalya Olegovna Gorelova

TIN 781717647428, OGRNIP 317774600578013

Checking account: 40802810100000346599


BIC: 044525974

Corr. check: 30101810145250000974

Phone number: 7 (966) 032 - 66 - 66


Website: alpaca-park.com

E-mail: info@alpaca-park.com